Hoping temperatures are appropriate and weather cooperating, there will be a brief oxalic acid vaporization demo for members only
Matt McLean will demonstrate Autumn Beekeeping principles from the August meeting appropriate for this time of year at hive checks.
To follow up with July meeting local talent, you have the opportunity to attend an apiary visit with Kathy Gill to see firsthand her single deep hive management on August 3rd in Golden CO. On August 17th, Beth Conrey will open her honey house for a visit from Mile Hive members. This is located in Berthoud, CO so you may want to organize a car pool.
See what is happening in the hives this time of year; what to look for, what to do
Due to weather events prior to the Saturday following the monthly MHBC meeting (when field trips are generally held), this apiary visit is being held the next Saturday March 23rd from 2:00-3:30 pm for a first look into the club bee hives at Riverside Cemetery/Pollinator Meadow. Come join in on the "surprise" to see what is found and discuss: the agenda to have prior to opening the hives coming out of winter; how to assess the colony's needs, strength, and health; and plan to address any issues found.
This would especially be good for newbees-to-3rd year beekeepers. How to prepare for first time beekeeping or for warmer weather ahead on established over-wintered hives; will discuss/see hive equipment, clothing and paraphernalia; will check what is happening in the hive this time of year by observing under the inner cover on top hive box and how to assess hive needs